Ep. 11 Laws 3 and 4
Preface notes
- Law 3 and 4 are the players and the players equipment
- Show notes will be on webpage socceraperspectiveforparents.com
- If follow along go to notes and link will be there so you can go to the Laws of the game
Laws of the game
- Law 3: The Players
- 1) Number of players
- Must have two teams
- Teams consist of eleven players
- One must be a goalkeeper
- Must have more than seven players
- If player leaves field deliberately making team less than seven players referee is not obliged to stop the match. If stoppage happens play cannot be restarted until team has minimum of seven players
- If competition rules say all players and substitutes must be named before kick-off and team has less than eleven, only the players and subs named on list may take part in match upon their arrival
- 2) Number Of substitutions
- FIFA, Confederations, and Football Associations can allow up to a max of five players for an official competition
- Exception is 1st teams of clubs in top division or senior ‘A’ international teams which get a max of 3 subs, men’s or women’s
- Competition rules will state
- How many of the subs may be named, from three to twelve
- If you get an additional sub for extra time (doesn’t matter if you have already used all subs or not)
- National ‘A’ team matches can name twelve subs and use a max of six
- If teams reach agreement before match to increase subs and if ref is informed before match more subs can be used. If neither are in place before match, then twelve and six stand
- Return subs are only allowed in youth, veterans, disability, and grassroots football, subject to agreement of the FA, Confederation, or FIFA
- 3) Substitution Procedure
- Before start of match names of subs must be given to ref. If name is not on the list sub cannot take part.
- For a substitution to take place
- Ref must be informed before substitution
- Player being substituted
- Gets ref’s permission to leave field, unless already off, and must leave by nearest point on boundary line unless ref directs player may leave directly and immediately at halfway line or another point
- Must go immediately to technical area or dressing room and take no further part in match, except when return subs are allowed
- If player refuses to sub play will continue
- Sub only enters
- During stoppage in play
- At halfway line
- After the player they are subbing for leaves
- After receiving a signal from ref
- Sub is complete when sub enters field.
- All subbed players and subs are subject to refs’ authority, even if they play or not (Everyone is subject to refs’ authority in soccer. This includes coaches and fans watching the game. Ref ultimate authority in soccer.)
- 4) Changing the goalkeeper
- Any player may replace the keeper if:
- Ref is informed before change is made
- Change is made during a stoppage in play
- 5) Offenses and Sanctions
- If a named sub starts instead of a named player and ref is not informed
- Ref allows named sub to continue playing
- No disciplinary action will be taken against named sub
- Named player can become a named sub
- Number of subs not reduced
- Ref reports the incident to appropriate authorities
- If sub is made during half-time or before extra time procedure must be completed before match restarts. If ref is not informed named sub continues play, no disciplinary action is taken, and matter is reported to appropriate authorities.
- If keeper change happens without refs’ permission
- Allows play to continue
- Cautions both players during next stoppage in play. If happened during half-time or before extra time or before PKs no caution is given.
- Any other offenses
- Player is cautioned
- Play restarted with indirect free kick from position the ball when play was stopped
- 6) Players and sub sent off
- Player that is sent off:
- Before the team list is submitted cannot be on list in any capacity
- After named on team list and before kick-off can be replaced by a sub, and the sub cannot be replaced; number of subs team can make not reduced (so like subbing without using a sub)
- After kick-off cannot be replaced
- 7) Extra persons on the field of play
- Coach and other officials named on team list are team officials (players and subs are not team officials). Anyone not named on team list is outside agent
- If anyone enters field of play ref must:
- Only stop play if it interferes with play
- Have person removed when play stops
- Take appropriate disciplinary action
- If play is stopped and interference was by:
- Team official, sub, subbed or sent-off player, play restarts with direct free kick or pk
- An outside agent, play restarts with drop ball
- If ball is going into goal and interference does not prevent defending player from playing ball, goal is awarded if ball enters goal (even if contact was made with ball) unless interference was by attacking team
- 8) Player outside the field of play
- If player that requires ref’s permission to re-enter field re-enters without permission, ref must:
- Stop play (not immediately if player does not interfere with play or a match official, or if advantage can be applied)
- Caution the player that re-entered for doing so without permission
- If ref stops play, must be restarted:
- Direct free kick from position of interference
- An indirect fee kick from position of ball when play was stopped if no interference
- Player who crosses boundary line as part of playing movement does not commit offense
- 9) Goal scored with an extra person on the field of play
- If a goal is scored before play restarts and ref realizes an extra person was on the field when goal was scored
- Ref must disallow goal if the extra person was:
- A player, sub, subbed player, sent-off player, or team official of the team that scored the goal: play restarted with direct free kick from position of the extra person
- An outside agent who interfered with the play, unless goal results as outlined above in ‘extra persons on the field of play’; play is restarted with a drop ball
- Ref must allow goal if extra person was
- Player, sub, subbed player, sent-off player, or team official of team that conceded the goal
- Outside agent that did not interfere with play
- In either case extra person must be removed from field
- If goal is scored and play has restarted and then ref realizes extra person was on the field of play when the goal was scored, goal must be disallowed. If extra person is still on the field the ref must:
- Stop play
- Have the extra person removed
- Restart with a drop ball or free kick as appropriate
-Ref must report incident to appropriate authorities
- 10) Team Captain
- Has no special status or privileges
- Does have some responsibility for behavior of team
- Law 4: Player’s Equipment
- 1) Safety
- Nothing deemed dangerous (This is the rule that covers the difference between soccer cleats and none soccer cleats (football, baseball) because the cleat at the front of other sports cleats is considered dangerous. That’s why you can’t wear them)
- All jewelry must be taken off and cannot be covered by tape.
- Players inspected before start of match and subs before they enter field
- If player is wearing anything they shouldn’t, ref will tell player to:
- Remove Item
- Leave field at net stoppage is player is unable to or unwilling to comply
- Player who will not comply or puts it back on will be cautioned
- 2) Compulsory (required) equipment
- Equipment player must have
- Shirt with sleeves
- Shorts
- Socks – tape or material applied or worn externally must match the color of the sock underneath
- Shin guards – must be made of suitable material and covered by socks
- Footwear
- Goalkeepers can wear track suit bottoms
- Players must replace accidentally shoes or shin guards as soon as possible and no later than when the ball next goes out of play. If they play the ball and /or a goal is scored, then the goal stands.
- 3) Colors
- The two teams must wear two colors that differentiate them from each other and the match officials (usually match officials will change to make it easy on teams)
- Goalkeepers must wear colors that distinguish them from everyone else
- If the two goalkeepers are wearing the same color and they don’t have a different color the match maybe played
- Undershirts must be:
- Single color which is same color as main color of shirt sleeve
- Pattern color which replicates shirt sleeve
- Undershorts/tights must match main color of shorts or lowest part of shorts. Players on team must wear same color.
- 4) Other equipment
- Non-dangerous protective equipment made of soft. lightweight padded material is allowed (ex. Headgear, facemasks, knee, and arm protectors). Goalkeepers’ caps and sports glasses as well.
- Head covers
- When worn they must (excluding goalkeeper’ caps):
- Be black or same main color as shirt
- Be in keeping with professional appearance of player’s equipment
- Not attached to shirt
- Not be dangerous to anyone
- Not have anything protruding
- § Electronics equipment
- Players cannot wear or use electronic or communications equipment.
- Team officials may use small, mobile, handheld equipment (microphone, headphone, earpiece, mobile phone/smartphone, smartwatch. Tablet, laptop) where it directly relates to player welfare/safety, or for tactical/coaching reasons
- Any official using unauthorized or who uses it inappropriately will be sent off
- Electronic performance and tracking software (EPTS)
- When used in match, match organizer will ensure that the tech is not dangerous and meets standards set by FIFA
- When provided by match organizer, organizer will ensure that information transmitted is accurate and reliable
- 5) Slogans, statements, images, and advertising
- No political, religious, or personal slogans, statements, or images on equipment. Can’t reveal undergarments that have political, religious, personal slogans, statements or images, or advertising. Logo of the manufacturer is allowed. Any offense will be sanctioned.
- Principles
- This Law applies to all equipment (included is clothing) worn by players, subs, subbed players. Also applies to team officials in technical area.
- Following is permitted
- Player’s number, name, team crest/logo, initiative slogans/emblems promoting game of football, respect, and integrity as well as any advertising permitted by competition rules or FA, confederation, or FIFA regulations
- Facts of a match: teams, date, competition/event, venue
- Permitted slogans, statements, or images should be confined to shirt front and/or armband
- In some cases, slogan, statement, or image might only appear4 on captain’s armband
- Interpreting the Law
- To interpret if slogan, statement, or image is permissible refer to Law 12, which says if player is guilty of:
- Using offensive, insulting, or abusive language and/or action(s)
- Acting in a provocative, derisory, or inflammatory way
- If slogan falls into any of the above, it is not permitted
- Slogans, statements, or images related to following are not permitted
- Any person(s), living or dead (unless part of the official competition name)
- Any local, regional, national, or international political party/organization/group, etc.
- Any local, regional, or national government or any of its departments, offices, or functions
- Any organization which is discriminatory
- Any organization whose aims/actions are likely to offend a notable number of people
- Any specific political act/event
- When commemorating significant national or international event opposing teams, supporters, and general public sensibilities should be carefully considered
- Competition rules may further restrict/limit things. Disputes should be resolved before the match/competition starts
- 6) Offenses and sanctions
- Any offense, play is not stopped but player is:
- Is instructed to leave field to fix
- Leaves when play stops if issues are not already fixed
- Player who leaves field to fix equipment must:
- Have equipment checked by match official before re-entering
- Re-enter when permission is given by ref (can be during play, no stoppage necessary)
- Play who enters without permission must be given a caution (yellow card). If play is stopped to caution, restart is an indirect free kick from where play was stopped. If interference occurred a direct free kick is given from interference point (unless in penalty box/18-yard box, then PK given).
Things of note
- Show notes are at webpage
- Link will be there as well for Laws of the Game to download
- Got an email up if you have any questions, comments, concerns, soccerpodcastforparents@gmail.com
- Next week will be Laws 5 and 6, The referee and other match officials, like Assistant Refs or linesman. Depending on length of those two I may add in Law 7 but we’ll see how it goes.
Online Sources