Ep. 14 Laws 9 and 10
Preface notes
- Law 9 and 10 are the ball in and out of play and determining the outcome of a match
- Show notes will be on webpage socceraperspectiveforparents.com
- If wanting to follow along go to notes and link will be there so you can go to the Laws of the game
Laws of the game
- Law 9: The Ball in and out of play
- 1) Ball out of play
- Ball is out of play when:
- Wholly crosses over touch or goal line on ground or in air
- Play stopped by a ref
- Touches match official, remains on field and:
- Team starts promising attack
- Ball goes directly in goal
- Team in possession of ball changes
- Play is restarted with drop ball in match official case
- 2) Ball in play
- Ball in play all other times when it touches match official and when it rebounds off goalpost, crossbar, or corner flag and stays in bounds
- Law 10: Determining the outcome of a Match
- 1) Goal Scored
- Goal is scored when whole ball passes over goal line and in goal, if no foul is committed by team scoring
- If goalkeeper throws ball directly into other team’s goal, goal kick is given
- If ref awards goal before ball crosses line play is restarted with a drop ball
- 2) Winning team
- Team that scores most goals wins. If no goals are scored or teams have equal amount of goal game is a draw.
- If winner required only permitted procedures for finding winner are:
- Away goals rule (basically whoever scored more goals as the away team)
- Two equal periods extra time for no longer than 15 minutes each
- Penalty kicks
- A combination of above maybe use
- 3) Kicks from the Penalty Mark (Penalty Kicks or PKs)
- Taken after match has ended and Laws of the Game apply unless otherwise stated. Players sent off during the match (red card) cannot take part. Other violations such as warnings and cautions do not carry over.
- Good graphic that shows goal vs no goal clearly. Same applies to in and out of bounds
- Procedure
- Before the kick is taken
- Ref tosses coin to decide the side kicks will be taken. Cannot be changed unless safety reasons or goal/grounds become unusable
- ref tosses again with teams, team that wins decides if they want to take kicks first or second.
- Only players on the field or who are temporarily off the field at the end of match can take part in the penalty kick. Only exception is a keeper who is unable to continue
- Teams decide order their players will take kicks. They don’t have to inform ref of order
- If one team has more player than the other at the end of the match, they must drop a player to match the number of the other team. The team must let the ref know the player they are dropping. The player may not take any penalty kicks
- If a goalkeeper cannot continue, he may be replaced by the player that was dropped for the above reason. If the team has not used all their subs, they may sub the goalie out. That goalie that was subbed out may not take part any further though.
- If goalie took a kick, replacement may not take another kick until the next round
- During kicks from the penalty mark
- Only eligible players (players taking part) and match officials are allowed on the field
- All players must remain in the center circle except the player taking the kick and the goalies of both teams
- Goalkeeper that is waiting must remain on the field where the goal line and penalty area (18-yard box) meet.
- An eligible player may change with the goalie
- Kick is completed when ball stops moving, goes out of play, or the ref stops play for any offense. Kicker may not touch the ball a second time
- Ref keeps track of kicks
- If goalie commits an offense and kick is retaken, they are warned for first offense and cautioned for any after that
- If both the goalie and kicker commit some offense at the same time, kick is recorded as miss and kicker is cautioned
- Subject to conditions explained below, both teams take five kicks
- Kicks are taken alternating between teams
- Kicks are taken by different players each time and all eligible players must take a kick before any player can take a second kick
- If a team has scored more goals, then another team can score before all five are taken then no more kicks are taken
- If both teams have taken five kicks and the score is even, then kicks continue until one team has one more goal then the other from the same number of kicks
- A team may change the order of kickers
- Kicks may not be delayed for a player who leaves the field. Their kick will be forfeited if they do not return in time to take the kick.
- Substitutions and sendings off during kicks from the penalty mark
- Any player may be cautioned or sent off
- Goalie that is sent off must be replaced by an eligible player
- Any player other than a goalie that cannot continue cannot be replaced
- Ref will not abandon a match if a team ends up with fewer than seven players
Things of note
- Show notes are at webpage
- Link will be there as well for Laws of the Game to download
- Got an email up if you have any questions, comments, concerns, soccerpodcastforparents@gmail.com
- Next week will be Law 12 Fouls and Misconduct. Expect it to be long and will try to take my time because it’s important and probably an area most people need to know.
Online Sources